Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/77

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KIENZI RIENZI, Holman Hunt, private gallery, England. Rienzi vowing to revenge his brother's death. Painted in 1849 ; Hunt's first Pre-Raphaelite picture. RIEPENHAUSEN, FRANZ and JO- HANN, born in Gottingen in 1786 and 1788, died in Rome, Franz, Jan. 3, 1831, Johann, Sept. 17, 1860. His- tory painters, sons of and first instruct- ed by the engraver Ernst Riepenhau- sen, then studied under W. Tischbein in Gottingen and in Cassel (1804), and after Hartmann's draw- ings from Pre-Raphaelite masters in Dres- den (1805), where they embraced Catholi- cism ; returned to Gottingeu, and weut in j 1807 to Italy. In 1810 they published a history of painting in Italy. The portrait is of Johann Riepenhausen. Works : The Minstrel (after Goethe); Maiden from Afar (after Schiller) ; Magnificat ; Casting off of Hagar; Christ blessing Children (1819), Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; Madonna and St. John (1820), Schwerin Gallery ; View of Rome (1820) ; Legend of St. Elizabeth (2,1821) ; Raphael's Vision (1822), Raczyn- ski Gallery, Berlin ; Conradin hearing his Death Sentence ; Henry the Lion defending Barbarossa in Rome (1825), Royal Palace, I Hanover. By Johann : Duke Erich saving i Emperor Maximilian's Life in Battle of Re- gensburg (1834); First Communion of Girls j in Rome ; Cupid as Musician ; Madonna j and St. John, New Pinakothek, Munich ; Cu- j pid and Psyche (1835), Provinzial Muse- um, Hanover ; Raphael's Death, Apparition (1836) ; Charity, Cupid instructing Two Girls in Love, Duke Ernst of Brunswick J interceding for Prisoners (1837) ; Beatrix ', before Emperor Otto IV. (1838); Extinction of Cenci Family (1839); Poetry, Kunsthalle, Hamburg. Andresen, iii. 86 ; Brockhaua, xiiL 702 ; Furster, iv. 232 ; N. Necrol. d. D. (1831), 38 ; Reber, i. 325 ; Riegel, Gesch. des Wiederauflebens der d. K, 258. RIESENER, (LOUIS ANTOINE) LEON, born in Paris, Jan. 21, 1808, died in 1878. Figure and portrait painter, pupil of his father, Henri Francois Riesener (portrait painter, 1767-1828), and of Gros. Medals : 3d class, 1836 ; 2d class, 1855, 1864 ; L. of Honour, 1873. Works : Flora, Bacchante (1836) ; Egyptian Girl and Nurse (1855) ; Idyl in Normandy (1863) ; Erigone (1864), Luxembourg Museum ; Bacchus and Ari- adne, Awaking, The Toilette (1875) ; Brook in the Wood ; Country Pleasures. Bellier, ii. 379 ; Meyer, Gesch., 286. RIESER, MICHAEL, bom at Schlitters, Tyrol, Sept. 6, 1828. History painter, pu- pil of Munich (1848-50) and Vienna (1852- 61) Academies, at the latter under Ruben, then studied for three years after the old masters in Florence, Rome, and Venice. Member of Vienna Academy in 1864 ; pro- fessor at Industrial Art School in Vienna since 1868. Works : Holy Family (1858) ; Baptism of Christ ; Death of St. Weuces- laus (1859) ; Eve of Nativity, Prague Gal- lery ; many cartoons for church glass-paint- ings. Kunst-Chronik, xviii. 511 ; Mflller, 440 ; Wurzbach, xxvi. 148. RIETSCHOOF, JAN CLAASZ, born at Hoorn in 1652, died there in 1719. Dutch school ; marine painter, pupil of Backhuy- zen, whose style he imitated very skilfully. Works : Calm Sea, Stormy Sea, Amsterdam Museum. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 505. RIGAUD, HYACINTHE, born at Per- pignan, July 18, 1659, died in Paris, Dec. 29, 1743. French school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of Pezet, Verdier, and Ranc ; won grand prix in 1682, but, by Le Brun's advice, instead of going to Rome, devoted himself to portrait painting, in which he be- came a master. Member of Academy, 1700 ; professor, 1710 ; rector, 1733 ; Order of St 46