Page:Cyclopedia of Painting-Armstrong, George D (1908).djvu/117

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ly used as a white paint, although two parts of lead to one of zinc gives a better mixture.

Some painters are under the impression that inasmuch as lead and zinc are both derived from metals they will not mix together to form a good paint, there being something of the nature of a galvanic action set up between the two metals. This, however, is an error, for although lead and zinc cannot properly be mixed together by hand, yet if they are ground by the ordinary paint manufacturers' machinery the result is a most durable paint.

On the other hand, it is doubtful whether the mixture of lead and zinc is a good policy to follow. Many painters get excellent results by using white lead for the under coats and zinc white for the final coats.

Commercial White. Seventeen parts of white lead, three parts of barytes. This is intended to be mixed in oil, not water.

Permanent White. The best quality barytes or blanc fixe makes a permanent white when ground in water. In oil it lacks body. For many purposes a white which will last a considerable length of time is made by mixing two parts of zinc white with one part of barytes.


If a yellow is too bright it may be lowered by adding a small quantity of blue and red. Instructions for obtaining the various grades of yellow are given explicitly herewith.

Alabaster. This is yellowish white in color. Mix four parts of white with one of middle chrome yellow.

Amber. An imitation of amber can be produced by mixing equal portions of burnt sienna, burnt umber, blue black and orange chrome yellow, and adding a quantity of white lead until the desired tint is obtained.

Antique Bronze. Add ivory black to orange chrome yellow in the proportion of about five parts of black and one part of orange.