Page:Cyclopedia of Painting-Armstrong, George D (1908).djvu/335

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of them should be thin and pliable enough to bear being bent whenever drawing curves or arches.

The mode of proceeding will then be as follows: Grasp the handle with the left hand and press the lower edge of the straightedge against the canvas, keeping the upper edge away from it. Now, resting the brush on the upper edge, draw it along the canvas and a line is ruled. It would be advisable to practice ruling lines in this way as it will be found to present a little difficulty at first.

Brushes. Of these you will require:

  • Two each flat hog tools, Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24.
  • One each sash tools, Nos. 1 and 12.
  • Two each sash tools, Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.
  • One 4-inch flat camel hair brush.
  • Two each quilled tools, Nos. 2, 4 and 6.
  • Six each quilled tools, No. 1.
  • Two 9-oz. ground distemper brushes.
  • Two No. 8-0 oval ground brushes.
  • One No. 4-0 over ground brush.
  • One No. 1 oval ground brush.
  • One No. 3 oval ground brush.


White. Procure the best gilders' whiting, as it is well washed and has more body than common whiting, and less lime. It is sold in large lumps and only requires to be broken up and plunged into as much water as will serve to soften it without bringing it into a liquid state. This last remark applies to all the colors when they are put into the stock pots ready for use. Whiting is used to mix with almost all the colors, to reduce them, in the same way as Flake white is used in oil painting or as water is used in water color drawing.

Flake White. A fine white, very solid, but turns a little brown in distemper, after a short time. It is only used