Page:Cyclopedia of Painting-Armstrong, George D (1908).djvu/79

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purple in tone. If the color of a wallpaper is heliotrope, inclined to red, the woodwork may be cream. If the heliotrope inclines to yellow, straw color should be adopted.


A Blue Wall of a Purple Tone. With this yellowish orange, amber, salmon pink or terra cotta will harmonize according to the value of the wall color.

A Peacock Tone or Blue Wall. This calls for orange red, deep amber, warm brown, cool brown, or both.

A Sapphire Blue Wall. Chocolate woodwork in two tones, with amber mouldings. Pearl gray and cream will go with this color.

A Wall of an Ultramarine Tone. Light warm gray and cool yellow brown go happily with this.

A Neutral Blue Wall will unite with citron and chocolate, or a warm gray green, or a blue green gray and salmon.

A Slate Colored Wall of a Blue Tone. For this there is plum color and lavender, puce and orange to choose from.


This color ranges from a rich sienna to a lemon tone, from citrine to a cream.

A Yellow Wall. Plum color, slate, brown or citrine may be used with this.

A Gold Colored Wall. The woodwork may be in two tones of lavender, with citrine mouldings.

An Orange Colored Wall. The color for the wood may be purple tone of red, with maroon mouldings, or if light mouldings be required, citrine would serve.

A Canary Colored Wall. Vellum color, with deep ivory mouldings, may be adopted for the woodwork.

A Deep Terra Cotta Wall. A selection from buff, sage green, Indian red, vermilion, white and black either or any may be selected, the strong colors in the small parts.