Page:Cyclopedia of Puzzles by Samuel Loyd.pdf/34

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This puzzle shows how easily a person may be deceived in buying gold bricks. Things are not always what they seem. For example, take tite accompanying picture for a pat- tern, and cut any size piece of paper exactly square Then mark off 24 points on each side, microscopically correct if you can do so, This, for the time being, we suppose to be the gold brick, which is commonly pur- chased from the affable stranger whom one meets at the hotel.

Each side of the border being divided into 24 equal spaces; note that if the small lines were continued across from border to border in both directions, there would be 24 times 24, or 376 small squares. If these marks were one inch apart, then Mr. Hayseed would be buying 576 square inches of gold! Do you see that diagonal line, running from the corner up to the second mark near Now, cut on that bias line end. Move the top piece up one space on the incline and suip off the little triagular piece, so as to fill in the top left hand corner. Now re- measure the sides of the gold brick by counting the number of spaces along each side, and see if there are as many small squares as there were before. In other words, see if it is not 23 inches wide by 25 long. That would make but 575 inches of gold that Rubens got and he thought he was buying 576, so it is safe to say that it is not even gold that he pur- chased, but only brass, worth about 20 cents a pound!

Now, put on your serious thinking cap and study it out: The first measurement was actually 24x24 and contained 576 square inches. Now measure off those points as carefully as possible, the more accurate your measurements are the more inexplic- able will be the mystery, then give me the correct dimensions of the rectangle so as to tell want has be come of that missing square! This puzzle which I promulgated in my early youth, is a decided improve- ment upon the time-honored problem of the cut-up checker-board which I have already discussed and presented in modern form.

Euclid, the famous mathematician of Alexandria, who flourished 300 years before the Christian era, with his great work upon geometry which formed the groundwork of all that is known of the sciences. The first volumes contained elementary rules and theorisms, accompanied by rigid proof of their accuracy; but the last volume, which was devoted entirely to problematical fallacies, was unfor- tunately lost. That work, which might be looked upon as the culmina- tion of his labors, must have been the grandest book ever attempted by the author. It has been described as a collection of problems or puzzles, wherein the student was to test his knowledge of the subject by detect- ing the fallacy concealed in the puzzle.

The gold brick problem is given as an illustration of a series of puzzles which I have planned to carry out Euclid's line of teaching, and which will be found to be scattered Invishly through these pages, always accom- panied by explanations which will prevent the student from being mis- led.

The Hindoo Flower Trick.

Here is an illustration of the famous Hindoo Flower-trick. The fakir plants a seed in the hat and a beautiful flower at once appears; then he asks you to take the seven pieces and arrange them so as to form a Greck cross.

A Rebus

To thee my first in days of yore,
A king has kneel'd with feelings
His loss my next will bring to view,
But hope my whole rests not on you.
Cipher Answer-2, 13, 15, 3, II,
B, 5, 1, 4-