Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/433

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one mentioned by Diodorus (Excerpt. Vat. xxxi. 534), who lived in Rome about 163 B.C.; or with the Alexandrian painter of the name (Val. Max., v. 1. 1.)—R.-Rochette, Schorn, 271.

DEMETRIUS, ST., Tintoretto, S. Felice, Venice; canvas. St. Demetrius armed and accompanied by a person of the Casa Ghigi.—Zanotto, 364.

DEMONT, ADRIEN LOUIS, born at Douai (Nord), France; contemporary. Landscape painter, pupil of E. Breton. Medals: 3d class, 1879; 2d class, 1882. Works: Canal, Village Square (1878); August (1879); Brickfield, La Scarpe near Douai (1880); The Landes of Finistèrre (1881), A Mill (1882), Luxembourg Museum; Morning in March (1882); Brook, Hyacinths in Bloom (1883); Jardin du Vieux (1884); Kitchen Garden in Springtime, Approche du gros Temps (1885).

DEMONT-BRETON, Mme. VIRGINIE ÉLODIE, born at Courrières (Pas-de-Calais); contemporary. Landscape and genre painter, pupil of Jules Breton. Medals: 3d class, 1881; 2d class, 1883. Works: The Little Spring, April Flowers (1880); Woman bathing her Children (1881); The First Step, The Family (1882); Flat Shore (1883), Luxembourg Museum; The Calm, Little Birds'-Nester (1884); Wolves of the Sea (1885).

DEMOPHILUS, painter, of Himera, Sicily, about 424 B.C. Supposed to have been the master of Zeuxis.—Pliny, xxxv. 36 [61].

DENIS, SIMON, surnamed den Schelen (the squint-eyed), born at Antwerp, baptized April 14, 1755, died in Naples, Jan. 1, 1813. Flemish school; landscape painter, pupil of H. J. Antonissen, went to Italy in 1786, and afterwards settled in Naples, where he was made first painter to the king. Works: View of Arpino, Louvre, Paris; Cascade (1793), Landscape; Sunset, Antwerp Museum.—Biog. nat. de Belgique, v. 595.

DENNELLE, DOMINIQUE ALEXANDRE, born in Paris in 1818, died in Florence, Italy, Dec. 4, 1879. History painter in fresco; went to Germany when seventeen to study ceramics, then studied monumental painting under Delaroche and Duban, and decorative painting in Italy. L. of Honour, 1859; Officer, 1874. Works: Paintings in St. Germain des Prés, St. Clotilde, St. Trinité, St. Sulpice, St. Eustache, Paris; Church of the Abbey, St. Denis; St. Paul's, Nîmes; others in Lyons, Beauvais, Carcassone, and Orléans.—Müller, 132.

DENNER, BALTHASAR, born at Altona, Nov. 15, 1685, died in Rostock, April 14, 1749. German school; portrait painter; studied under obscure masters in Altona and Dantzic, then, in 1707, at the Berlin Academy. In 1709 he began his career by painting the portraits of Duke Christian Augustus of Holstein and his sister. At the age of twenty-four his name was famous, and he received numberless orders from princes and nobles of Northern Germany, Denmark, Holland, and England, which he executed with microscopic accuracy and infinite elaboration of detail. Works: Portraits of Duke Christian August of Holstein and Sister (1709); Group of Holstein Princes and Courtiers (1712); Princess of Schleswig (1713); Prince Mentschikoff (1713); Several Portraits of King Frederic IV. of Denmark (1712 and 1717); Duchess of Brunswick (1720); Duke and Duchess of Blankenburg (1729); King Augustus II. of Poland (1729); Christian VI. of Denmark (1734); Duke Christian Ludwig of Mecklenburg and Family 1735); Princess Sophie Charlotte of Denmark (1736); Peter III. of Russia as Duke of Holstein (1740); Adolphus Frederic of Holstein-Gottorp (1743); Elector of Cologne (1744); Duke of Holstein (1747); Duchess of Brunswick (1747); Artist's portrait, six others, Kunsthalle, Hamburg; Por-