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other things, the peculiar appetites and powers of generation will prompt them to own and indicate their relation. This, I conceive, is the moſt undeniable argument that all Dogs are of one original ſpecies, ſince every body knows that no deformity, diſproportion, or diſimilitude, can hinder any one of that name from courting, following, or accepting the other, nor their mongrel offspring from enjoying the common nature and faculties of the ſpecies.

But, admitting the diſtinctions of Hounds, Beagles, &c. as they commonly ſtand, I have been alſo conſulted what particular ſorts I would recommend for each particular Game in this iſland, For the Deer, the Fox, the Otter, &c. every Sportſman knows the breed that is moſt proper; but as each of them, with a little application, will joyfully follow the ſweet ſcented Hare, the query is, what kind is preferable for that delightful exerciſe?

The moſt ſatisfactory reply to every Hunter is, that his own kind is beſt; but ſuch as are ſetting up a new cry, I would adviſe to begin to breed on the mlddle-ſize Dogs,
