Page:Cyrano de Bergerac.djvu/189

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[To the Monk.]

Father, this is the matter of the letter : -

[All come near her, and she reads aloud.]

The Cardinal's wish is law ; albeit
It be to you unwelcome. For this cause
I send these lines - to your fair ear addressed -
By a holy man, discreet, intelligent :
It is our will that you receive from him,
In your own house, the marriage

[She turns the page.]

Straightway, this night. Unknown to all the world
Christian becomes your husband. Him we send.
He is abhorrent to your choice. Let be.
Resign yourself, and this obedience
Will be by Heaven well recompensed. Receive,
Fair lady, all assurance of respect,
From him who ever was, and still remains,
Your humble and obliged - et cetera."

The Friar

[with great delight].

O worthy lord ! I knew nought was to fear ;
It could be but a holy business !


[to Christian, in a low voice].

Am I not apt at reading letters ?


Hum !


[aloud, with despair].

But this is horrible !