Page:Cyrano de Bergerac.djvu/282

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The Duke.

True! I am!

[As he it going out, suddenly.]

Monsieur Le Bret!

[To Roxane.]

A word, with your permission?

[He goes to Le Bret, and in a low voice.]

True, that none

Dare to attack your friend;—but many hate him;
Yesterday, at the Queen's card-play 'twas said
'That Cyrano may die by accident!'
Let him stay in be prudent!

Le Bret

[raising his arms to heaven].

Prudent! He!…

He's coming here. I'll warn him—but!…


[who has stayed on the steps, to a Sister who comes towards her].

What is it?

The Sister.

Ragueneau would see you, Madame.


Let him come.

[To the Duke and Le Bret.]

He comes to tell his troubles. Having been
An author (save the mark!)—poor fellow,—now
By turns he's singer…

Le Bret.

By turns he's singer…Bathing-man…