Page:Cyrano de Bergerac.djvu/300

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Oh yes, indeed, Monsieur,

The famous one, 'Que Diable allait-il faire?'

Le Bret.

Molière has stolen that?


Tut! He did well!…

[To Ragueneau.]

How went the scene? It told—I think it told?



Ah! how they laughed!


Look you, it was my life

To be the prompter every one forgets!

[To Roxane.]

That night when 'neath your window Christian spoke
—Under your balcony, you remember? Well!
There was the allegory of my whole life:
I, in the shadow, at the ladder's foot,
While others lightly mount to Love and Fame!
Just! very just! Here on the threshold drear
Of death, I pay my tribute with the rest,
To Molière's genius, Christian's fair face!

[The chapel-bell chimes. The Nuns are seen passing down the alley at the back, to say their office.]

Let them go pray, go pray, when the bell rings…