Page:Dakota Territory Reports.djvu/458

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The Territory, ex rel. McKinnis, v. Hand.

made out and delivered to the sheriff, election notices, naming as the officers to be chosen — four justices of the peace—but no others, whereupon this proceeding was instituted by the relator for a writ of mandamus to compel the appellant, as county clerk, td issue notices of election for the election of three county commissioners, one register of deeds, sheriff, treasurer, judge of probate, &c. An alternative writ was issued, and on the hearing the court below awarded a peremptory writ. Prom this judgment and final order defendant appeals.

Section 5 of chapter 27, Political Code, above referred to, reads as follows: "The county clerks of th^ several counties shall, at least thirty days before any general election, * * * make out and deliver to the sheriff, coroner or other person to be designated by them, of their respective counties, three written notices thereof for each election precinct." The form of the notice prescribed by the same section, requires that the offices to be filled at such election shall be named therein. In this case the clerk, in the notices made out by him, named only the office of justice of the peace, and this appeal presents the naked question, whether such notices should not have included all other offices of Lawrence county, which under the law are filled by election; or in other words how long are the appointees of the governor entitled to hold, and when should their successors be chosen. Turning to chapter 42, Political Code, providing for the organization of these Black Hills counties, including the county of Lawrence, we find that sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, defines their boundaries; section 5 is repealing in its character, and section 6 reads as follows: "The governor is hereby authorized, and it is made his duty, when the country embraced within said counties herein described comes within the jurisdiction of this Territory, or as soon as practicable, and he can obtain the necessary information after the passage and approval of this act, and without the petition of voters otherwise required, to appoint for each of said counties three county commissioners, who shall constitute the board of county commissioners, one register of deeds, one sheriff, one treasurer, one judge of