Page:Dale - A Marriage Below Zero.djvu/101

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A Marriage Below Zero.

thing you like, and try not to be homesick. Good-bye, dear."

He was leaving without kissing me. Though I had protested so often that I would not tolerate a demonstrative husband, Arthur's conduct seemed so strange, that a feeling of resentment came over me. I did not look up.

"Good-bye, Elsie," repeated my husband, uneasily approaching me. "What is the matter?"


"Well, good-bye."


He started for the door, and the next instant I was after him. "Arthur," I cried impulsively, "you shall not go from me in that way, even if you intend being away only half-an-hour. Kiss me."

He bent forward and touched my lips with his, so coldly and undemonstratively, that I shrank back, and looked at him in surprise. I felt chilled. "Come back early," I said, returning to the room hastily, anxious to be away from him. I decided that I would go to my boudoir,