Page:Dale - A Marriage Below Zero.djvu/177

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A Marriage Below Zero.

marries a man who a few hours after the wedding leaves her alone in a strange house; who makes a lame excuse for his action and subsequently increases his offense against respect and affection by permitting her to pass her time in absolute solitude; who for love substitutes the coldest and most indifferent friendship; who spends a large part of his time in town, leaving her in the country, and attempts no sort of explanation—when he does all this, what is she to suspect?"

He had been growing paler while I put the questions, but as I concluded he started up in undisguised fear—yes, it was fear.

"Suspect?" he asked, hoarsely. " What right have you to suspect anything? All shame upon the education of girls to-day, if a child like you dares to suspect."

He was as white as a sheet and unreasonably angry.

"You are an excellent diplomat," I said satirically. "You knew too well what a child I was when you married me. The extent of my knowledge of good and evil had been very well gauged