Page:Daniel Minort Baxter - Bishop Richard Allen and His Spirit (1923).pdf/77

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Bishop Richard Allen and His Spirit

James Eden, London Turpin, Aleck Houston and others; the leaders being all free men. In the sweep of the rounding up and clearing out the insurrectionists, they took away every privilege the Negroes enjoyed, and so tight were the lines drawn on all free Negroes, that they had to get passes from their guardians to be out in the streets after the last bell rang, which was 9:30 P. M., said grandfather . Morris Brown and the leaders of our church were advised to leave the city, for they thought the Negro church, wherein no white man had a say was particeps criminis all the trouble. Many of the descendents of these people are in Philadelphia, Baltimore and parts of New York and New Jersey, where their progenitors settled. At the time of this insurrection, Daniel Payne was a little boy, eleven years old, living with his cousins, the Holliways (harness makers on Beaufain St., Charleston, S. C.) , and it was not long after he became of age, that the same fate befell him, they also asked him to leave as they did Morris Brown and his followers for the same thing, evincing Allen’s spirit to enlighten his race. They accused him of teaching slave Negroes to read and write when a white man