Page:Dante and the early astronomers (1913).djvu/559

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Theon of Smyrna, 135, 144

Tides, 134, 257, 445

Tierce, 220, 347, 348, 372

Tiin^us, 82, 101, 238

Time, measurement of, 25, 47, 84,

8G, IGl, 162, 170, 180 Thule, 157

Timocharis, 124, 125, 144 Toledo, 202, 213

„ tables of, 184, 7i.202, 421 Toynbee, Paget, m,225, «.23G, n.241,

n.417, n.437, n.464 Tozer, H.F., w.476 Trepidation, 194, n. 232-3 "Tr^sor, Li Louvres dou," 218, 226,

243 Trigonometry', spherical, 113, 123;

153, 183; invention of, 133 Trivium and Quadrivium, 177, 261,

312 Twins, see also Gemini, 279, 400 Tycho Brahe, 120

Ulysses, 51, 52, 292, 335, 340, 370,

395 Universe {see Cosmogonies), 97;

dimensions, 390, 459; of Dante,

257, 258, 353 et seq., 489 Universities, Bologna, 199, 216, 226,

227, 241, 478; mediaeval, 199 ct

seq.; Naples 240; Padua, 227;

Paris, 199, 213, 228, 241; Oxford,

199, 213; Rome, 241 Ur, 37

Urban IV. 201

Ursa, Major, {see also Bear, and Wain), 234, 295 et seq,, 322, 368,, Minor, 234, 297, n.299

Varaha Mihira, 71.III Vega, 155, 187 Venturi, 453

Venus, 3, 15, 17, 23, 69, 80, 90, 93, 109, 112, 121, 144, 150, 169, 279, 281, 286, 300, 307, 309, 314, 373, 389, n.399, 406-11, 418-25, 481-66,, dimensions, 488,, distance, 458 et seq, „ goddess of, 38

,, movements of, 314, 315, 435, 477,, movers of, 483,, phases of, 492 „ period of, 314, 315, 436 „ and astrology, 173, 189, 472, 477,, as evening star, 52, 142,, as morning star, 15, 52, 64, 68, 142

Verona, 226, 256, 444 Vesners, 219, 318 Villani, 213, 223, 226, 319i Virgil, 167, 168, 239, 271, 328, 374, 381, 441,, quoted, 173, 279,, works of, 238 „ as guide, 286, 354, 367, 371, 387,

409, 481 „ and sun, 271, 333, 381, 392 Virgin, Virgo, 12, 32, 124, 141, 144,

290, 384, 418 Vision, date of Dante's, 357, 407 et

seq.; duration of 354-7, 401 'Vita Nuova,' 253, 257, 41*1, 432

Wain, The [see also Bear), 293, 295,

359, 368, 373 Wellhausen, n.39 Wicksteed, P. H., n.277, 306, 447 World-soul, 98, 159

Xenophanes, 98

Yaou, Emperor, 29, Canon of, 38 Year, 253; definition of, 23

,, Arab, 39; Babylonian, 40, 128, 161; Chinese, 38; Egyptian, 39, 45; Hebrew, 39; Greek, 161, 162, n.172; Mahomedan, 39; Persian, 313; Roman, 170; Sumex-ian, 38

,, civil, 22; luni-solar, 38, 39, 93; lunar, 39; sidereal, 22, 128; solar, 22, 56, 128, 163; tropical, 22, 129, 161, 162, 171, 193, 274, 275

,, leap, 171, 276

,, length of, 187, 274

,, and Hipparchus, 128, 135


Zodiac, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 23, 28 30, 31, 43, n.43, 69, 119, 143, 185, 265, 272, 278, 280, 289, 300, 309, 311, 333, 349, 382, 384, 402, 405, 448, 476, 488,, age of, 34

,, Chinese and Hindvi, 29, 30,, constellations of, 31, 42, 43, 47, 129, 219, 248, 290, 356, 368, 402, 476,, lunar, 30 „ signs of, 129, 174, 185, 186, 245,

329, 356, 368, 379, 383, 402,, sun in, 276, 282 ■,, and months, 276, 281, 282 Zodiacal revolutions, 23 Zoroaster,