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WHat euer man he be, whoſe heauie minde
With griefe of mournefull great miſhap oppreſt,
Fit matter for his cares increaſe would finde:
Let reade the rufull plaint herein expreſt
Of one (I weene) the wofulſt man aliue;
Euen ſad Alcyon, whoſe empierced breſt
Sharpe ſorrowe did in thouſand peeces riue.

But who ſo elſe in pleaſure findeth ſenſe,
Or in this wretched life dooth take delight,
Let him be baniſht farre away from hence:
Ne let the ſacred Siſters here be hight,
Though they of ſorrowe heauilie can ſing;
For euen their heauie ſong would breede delight:
But here no tunes, ſaue ſobs anf grones ſhall ring.

In ſtead of them, and their ſweete harmonie,
Let thoſe three fatall Siſters, whoſe ſad hands
Doo weaue the direfull threds of deſtinie,
And in their wrath breake off the vitall bands,
Approach hereto: and let the dreadfull Queene
Of darkness deepe come from the Stygian ſtrands,
And griſly Ghoſts to heare this dolefull teene.

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