Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/101

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these things are accomplished: as to the position and condition of the inhabiters of earth (of whom we have only heard as yet), for this period, twice repeated woe: in the second, the wide unformed mass of people too included, the inhabiters of the sea.

We have further to remark, that the moment the saints are introduced in their own position and character, suffering while Satan is in the heavens, the Lamb, its salvation, its strength, its joy, is at once introduced, and their victory celebrated on high. It is the natural association of the saints, as such fellowship with the crucified One: and therefore if only one or two saints be in their place, their associations are with the Lamb. It will be remembered, that the Lamb has not been mentioned all through the historical part: that was providence; and the Church was, as it were, hidden. This, in the course of external history, is its real relationship—as Peter describes it, doing well, suffering for it and taking it patiently,—and the Lamb, who led the way in this their joy; while, as to accusation, his blood gives them access to the throne where he is.

This account of the twelfth chapter of the dragon’s doings, taking up the mind of God in the