Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/107

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characters of Daniel’s three other beasts, but most of the Grecian leopard, though in ravening power and terror like the first: to this beast, the dragon (he had not formed it, that is, taken as the existing fact) gives his power, his seat and great authority; now I doubt not, this has its full scope of positive action and manifestation from the close of the former chapter; when, in its last form, it will do Satan’s work in the place of his power. But as we have the elements of things in these chapters, we have seen the beast traced from his very rise out of the sea; and whatever he so characteristically does, when formed, comes under the designation of holding the throne and power of Satan. It will be exercised according to the character of the place where Satan is, heaven or earth, each the scene of the conflict whether Christ and his joint heirs are to have his creation, or Satan hold it by right of the first Adam’s fall and sin, the great question agitated, along with the special redemption of the Church. Doubtless, when on earth it will be more definite and formal, not necessarily more important. Nor can I see, why the conflict for the delivery of the earthly people and the inheritance is of more or exclusive importance, rather than what is of heaven, in which the victory and fate of the heirs