Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/148

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For this she is judged, though other things and all worldly eclat might surround her, and give her influence over the minds of others.

In the Old Testament, fornication is attached, not to Babylon but to Tyre, with reference to her merchandise.

The material feature here is, that Babylon is no: the seat of earthly power, ruled over and headed ab any time by him who exercises apostate royalty upon the earth, but an independent woman; so was Tyre in the world, as thus spoken of: and where the prince of Tyre[1] is spoken of, it is no in human earthly language, but the highest character of apostasy, such as can be reached in its full character only by the great enemy, and it would seem to me connected with a Church or religious standing a character and apostasy far more terrible than the apostasy of the world, headed by its king, in its full form builded by him. Worldly association then this has, and wide extent of merchandising and wealth,—a great system of worldly prosperity; but its character for judgment is her fornication, not her purple, her scarlet, and the

  1. The prince and king of Tyre, are, however, different; it is the king of whom the position is so astonishingly traced by the Divine band.