Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/165

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of His earthly enemies, “the marriage of the Lamb is come.” This is a matter of ordinance and dispensation. We are now His children; but the marriage of the Lamb is not yet come, nor is his wife made ready. It is not here, then, children with the Father; but the time for the Lord’s manifest glory being come, the Lord God takes His power, judges and removes the evil worldly counterpart, and the Lamb’s wife made ready, the time for it is come: these, however, were heavenly things[1] and they are passed by. The time and readiness and nature of her robes only, are passingly mentioned as an important circumstantial characterizing the progress of events: and it closes with pronouncing blessing on those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb; and the prophet returns to the course on the earth again, where the white robed ones are found the companions of His glory in judgment. This closed the scene of what was properly

  1. The marriage of the Lamb was not before the world; though, having espoused her in the heavens, He may then in the gladness of His heart bring her forth in glory.
    The marriage supper seems to be rather the manifestation, as his companions in glory, as the “blessed are the dead,” &c. is the rest from their labours, and reception of reward; I do not say the times, but the peculiar blessedness is different. I have some notion that the blessing, chap. xiv. has special connection with xiii. 10, and the blessing here with xiv. 12.