Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/167

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come forth, thence to act on the earth—to judge and make war in righteousness. It was now the time that power was to be applied to righteousness[1] in the earth. He came in the manifestation of faithfulness and truth—he came with scrutinizing and purging judgment—he came in the assemblage of many royalties; and in the secret of His own power, which none knew but Himself. His armies were in fine linen clean and white—heavenly righteousness and purity—the priests of God. He came with divine vengeance, His garment was dipped in blood: and in that title of the manifestation of the power of God which was from creation downward, “the Word of God.” Thus He had created, thus revealed, thus judges. The armies in heaven followed. None were in this conflict with Him on the earth—his own arm brought salvation: he smites, rules, and treads the wine-press of God’s wrath. The power and title in which he is now publicly manifested is “King of kings, and Lord of lords:” this recals to xvii. 14.

The birds of the air are summoned to the great supper of destruction.

The ten kings were specially marked in their war

  1. “Judgment shall return to righteousness; and all the upright in heart shall follow it.” Ps. xciv. 15.