Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/169

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than the ten kings, and left general: I doubt, however, whether it includes Gog, whose aim is against the land rather than the Lamb, or even the Prince of princes. With Gog, it is the gratification of covetousness—the lust of possessing. He goes against the land of unwalled villages, and perishes in the mountains of Israel, after Israel is brought back and dwelling in peace.

The beast and the false prophet, these delegates of Satan, the active enemies of the Lamb, were finally judged: but it does not appear that the deceiving of the nations by Satan thereupon ceases, because he is not yet bound. Still, he cannot now reproduce any thing that had before flowed from his place in heaven. The beast and the false prophet had been the active positive results of that; but, on his casting down became, as we have seen, merely open opposition to the Lamb. This is the character. of the action of the nations, ever afterwards under his influence: nothing like the great previous. system. So, even after the thousand years, all is on earth and of this character. He never regained heaven again at all. The beast and the false prophet, the resulting form of the apostasy while Satan was god of this world, never re-appeared either. He established himself evidentially prince