Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/17

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comes. It is a throne, and not a family: but it is not, on the other hand, the temple on earth at all, but the mind of God acting there, on the throne, but in the perfection of that provident wisdom, in which the seven spirits are before the throne, Him that sat on the throne[1] is the character and leading title of the Almighty in the Revelations; but that throne is not at Jerusalem, and has nothing to do with it immediately as the place of its establishment.

It is, in this sense, the Book of the Throne when the King had been rejected upon earth.

We have, in conformity to this idea, not the Son in the bosom of the Father, but a revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him; and he sent and signified it by an angel to his servant John. All this is Jewish in its character. It is not the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost testifying, but God, Jesus Christ, and the ministration of angels to a servant: none of the other things, of course, ceased to be true; but it was not the character here developed. It is therefore the

  1. See also (that is, as soon as we come to the prophecy) iv. 2, 10; v. 1, 7, 13; vi. 16. Note also vii. 10 [observe there is no allusion to this from viii. until xix. 4] and xxi. 5. Chapter xx. 11. comes in specially intermediately. As to the city, see xxii. 1.