Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/173

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tion that the others had lost nothing by the enmity of the world,[1] and of Satan even to death, or by their refusal to worship the beast. Their souls were seen: there might have been power to kill the body, but they had never died to God, and now they enjoyed the fruit of it—“they reign in life by one.” The reigning on the thrones actually, is consequent upon the removal of the deceiving power of Satan: and so with Christ. He comes first, and then actually takes the throne of the world: His companions have been hidden with Him meanwhile; and though glorified (so I speak of them now), the thrones were not seen till the war ended. The title was full: they were gone to Him; but they did not before that actually possess the kingdom nor did He Himself: the horse and the throne are distinct things—imperial, active, subduing power—and full peaceable judicial power as king. For Christ’s act so coming is not a mere passing act; the throne of His glory continues till, as mediatorial king, He gives it up. On this throne of the Son of man the

  1. I think I see here an assertion of three distinct classes who shall occupy the thrones, or at least live and reign with Christ a thousand years. First, the Church: they sat on thrones—next, those beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and the word of God, as the two prophets—thirdly, those who had not worshipped the beast: this is important as shewing the place of all these classes.