Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/175

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hostile agents, we have Satan’s actings in them; but it is no revival of the beast, nor anything in that character. Blessed be God, there was a final ending of that dark and subtle apostasy which resulted from Satan’s being in heaven; but this is a mere exhibition of open, hostile enmity, in those whom he has been able to deceive here. We must on no account therefore, lose sight of this character of present evil and rebellion and apostasy, that it flows from Satan’s being in heavenly places, though the Church, in the knowledge of Christ’s exaltation, may know His and its entire victory over him. The wrestling, however, is not now with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers, with spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. In chapter xii. Satan is cast down from heaven; but here, all that he raises on earth against the Lamb, is cast into the lake of fire and Satan himself is bound in the bottomless pit, the history of the earth not being yet finished. The coming of Jesus, whose judgment acts on the beast and false prophet, is not the same as the angel of God’s providence and power, casting Satan into the pit. The glory and reigning of the Son of man seems to vindicate God as regards the failure of the Noah world. The blessing of the second Adam as the head of a redeemed race, takes the