Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/20

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we have the announcement of his titles and character here, by “The Lord.” Upon his name thus developed, all the stability of purpose and government hung; and the Church had need to know this in all the circumstances which followed. Her place follows: as to the present, in the place of the instrument of this word of God and testimony of Jesus Christ (the word is God’s, the testimony Jesus’; in hearing Him we “set to our seal that God is true”); “your brother in tribulation, and partaker of the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ.” This is the Church’s place through the recognition of Sonship, while the throne is above. But it is not in union and headship, but kingdom and patience. Still, in whatever form, the word she ministers is the word of God or the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Lordship in itself is not the highest title of Christ: “God hath made Him both Lord and Christ.” To us there is but one God, the Father, and one Lord Jesus Christ. But in this word the Herald of God announces all the style of His ancient and future glory. Further, this book does not present to us the Holy Ghost received of the Father, sent down to produce a public testimony to the world. Nor is it a gift received as needful