Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/33

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Fourthly, a state of increased devotedness in patience, charity, and works; but Jezebel, teaching communion with an evil and idolatrous world; and suffered. Space had been given for her repentance, but she did not (note here, it is a woman, not some of them). Judgment would fall on her followers, but discriminating—to every one according to his works, and no further burden laid on the faithful. Here begins another distinction, that, whereas the reward promised was, previously, after the warning to hear, from this point it comes regularly before.

Fifthly, a name to live, but no reality; profession of being alive as something distinctive: but there were, however, things remaining and a few names. The Lord, if they did not repent, would come on them like a thief.

Sixthly, weakness, but an open door, marked, not by detailed works, but keeping the word of Christ, of his patience, and not denying his name. They would be kept from an hour of temptation, which was coming on all the world, to try the dwellers upon earth (comp. Is. xxiv).

Seventhly, the Church to be spued out of his mouth without proposal of repentance, because of what they had become, yet counsel given; and if any one remained within and heard when Christ