Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/38

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throne of God leaving Jerusalem, now found as parts of the circle of the throne in heaven.[1]

We may remark, that all dispensation, and that which is the source of it, is noticed (save the Church properly, i.e. sons with the Father, God),[errata 1], Shaddai, i.e. God, as with Abraham, the Almighty, and Jehovah, the Governor, who was, and is, and is to come. A part of these living creatures, the eyes, are found elsewhere: first, in 2 Chron. xvi. 9; there service generally:—in Ezekiel their connection is with the place of the throne in Jerusalem, but a throne of God over all, the Spirit leading:—graven on the stone laid, in Zechariah iii. 9; and again, in Zechariah iv. 10., resuming their course through the earth, and, as we shall soon see, as the eyes of the Lamb (as possessing all power in heaven and earth) the seven spirits so sent forth.

This, then, established the throne; the Church not being (properly speaking) in the scene at all, save representatively in the enthroned elders. It was another subject. The throne of Him that liveth for ever and ever, was the subject here.


  1. Correction: Father, God), should be amended to Father), God,: detail
  1. The four characters of beasts are the heads of the four genera stated in Genesis. Birds of the air, cattle, beasts of the field, and man; doubtless they had specific characters as to attribute too.