Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/40

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exaltation of the Lamb that was slain; and his being on the throne who was rejected on earth, and specially in the character of the head of these promises to the Jews; and none, therefore, but He, could open it or look on it. The title, too, is one higher than the official or given inheritance of the Son of Man, deeper in its ground, and much more exalted. It is a place and a title, held in the throne—the Lamb slain there. This was not a title properly given to a mediatorial person in peace; but a title due, perhaps, as to person, but acquired by excellency, and humiliation, and perfectness.

In this place, the communication is with the Elder, as representing, I apprehend, the Church cognizant (“for you hath he reconciled”) of the title and glory of the Lamb.

We are then shewn the Lamb slain; He who did not resist evil, but gave himself even unto death, and was led to the slaughter, “as he had been slain;” the full power actually, the seven horns, and full knowledge, seven eyes being in Him, and this universal permeance of knowledge. His eyes were the seven spirits sent forth into all the earth. Those spirits, the light and power of the holiness of God before the throne, thus characterising His presence, were now the agents of the active discernment and