Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/43

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ever. This is His highest and essential character; and in this they close the doxology. First redemption; then the angels own the Lamb; then every creature Him that sits upon the throne and the Lamb; the living beasts saying, Amen: and then the elders Him that liveth for ever and ever, filled with all the fulness of God. This is particularly the portion of the elders, though it is He that is honoured by the beasts; but their word is continuance,—rather Jehovah-continuance,—was, and is, and is to come—relative continuance—not intrinsic life;—for, though the throne is the great head and source of all, yet redemption leads us more deeply into the knowledge of Him that sits upon it, and puts all things in their place.

This, then, is a position which bears upon the whole to the end, though much intermediate important matter may come in under different heads; but the position of this bears upon all the intrinsic exaltation of the Lamb to the throne. Many dispensatory arrangements and providences may come in subordinately, but this is the key to the result. Further, this is connected with the immediate relationship of the Church with Christ. The Church knows Him as such, and should be the follower of Him, and representative of Him as such here.