Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/58

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of the enemy positively.[1] They had power in their mouth, but in their tails too; for in that also, was their planned mischief more settled than before, though not the introduction of it; “and with them they hurt.” It was like Satan in form. This was more open and warlike in character; but not the original evil.

But those, the rest of men, that were not killed by them, did not repent of their idolatries and evil conduct: many would be entirely destroyed from their profession, and their place set aside and filled up by others; but even so the rest repented not. The extent of the power of these was limited. The | general objects of all the woes were earthly-minded people in the region of God’s dealings. When the originating, darkening, and tormenting evil came in, those only were excepted who were manifestly owned of God as His—manifested to be of Him.

The trumpet angel—this announcement of the full time of God’s purpose—looses these subordinate instruments of His providence, to have power of destruction for the prescribed time.

  1. As in the first woe in the long period I take this as usually. In the crisis, it will be the inroads of the northern and eastern armies, headed up after into the Assyrian, and Gog, the prince of Magog.