Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/75

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voice from heaven, saying to them, Come up hither. They were first brought to life, and then called up to heaven openly.

These witnesses had stood before the god of the earth, the witnesses of God’s title here. The affright which the public manifestation of God in their favour produced, did not give efficacy to their testimony; but the affrighted ones glorified the God of heaven; there was the general effect of unrepentant religion:—the testimony not received; for that would have broken their will, but, their fear acted on, was externally to honour God formally, but only as one in heaven. It was that which acted on themselves that did this;—the earthquake and slaying of men, names of men, their pride and title put down.[1]

All this took place before the sounding of the last trumpet; but when it closed, the sixth woe was passed.

Although there may be an accomplishment of

  1. Babel’s word was, “Let us make ourselves a name.” God only is entitled to a name, or to give it; Adam had title, as regards the beasts, as set over them by God; “and He brought them unto Adam.” The enemy may give a name, in derision, to saints overruled of God; but they are gathered only to the name of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and should bear His name, and, in Him, the Father’s only.