Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/77

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existence is not in question. When he makes ~war on them, he overcomes and kills them; but they have power in testimony till then—till their testimony is fulfilled. Their testimony, then, was not properly under the oppression of his power; at least that is not the way God distinguishes it. It is carried on in sorrow while the external sacred things are defiled, but the priestly remnant, and what pertained to them, preserved; and this for the forty-two months. And in these circumstances they fulfil their testimony: then the beast out of the bottomless pit makes war upon them and kills them.[1] When the question between power comes on, and Antichrist rises up in his full form against the Lamb, he is finally cast down, and put, with the false prophet, in the lake of fire, and his followers killed. This is, in principle, an antecedent act; the Lamb has not yet came upon the scene. For he comes personally victorious: but here, while the beast comes against the witnesses who stand before the God of the earth, they are overcome, because the Lamb has not yet come forth in power, nor the earthly kingdom come. Lucifer shall rise up against the Lord from heaven,

  1. To the joy of the dwellers upon earth; and thus, doubtless, he is their great friend.