Page:Darby - Notes on the Book of Revelations, 1839.djvu/96

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might remain within his reach, who obeyed God’s commandments, and had received the testimony of Jesus Christ;—for so (for I am now speaking of the final crisis) I believe the Jews, i.e. the remnant, will. But I do not say further than a prophetic testimony; for the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. The dragon (for he is not now spoken of in his subtle actings, but identified again in his character and acting in the sphere and character of power) was wroth with the woman whom he could not touch, and went to make war, to use violence towards the remnant of the seed.

In this chapter, then, we have a very clear account, not of the details of providential historical acting, but of Satan’s mind, and ways, and purposes, concerning the purpose of God, in its inceptive character; for, as accomplished, it is clear he cannot touch it. Although I-have little doubt in my mind in what events these plans of Satan will specially shew themselves, I have entered into them here very little, because God is here instructing the Church what the plans are, rather than how they are accomplished, save as presenting severally the agents: and if we are not content to be instructed as God instructs us, we had better not learn at all. I desire in Scripture