Page:Darby O'Gill and the Good People by Herminie Templeton Kavanagh (1903).djvu/141

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crowned. Nor did she turn her head when the ser- vants called blessings afther her; but oh, asthore, her face was marble white; and whin she was on her way down the lonely high-road how she cried!

“’Twas a bitther time entirely, the night young Roger came home, and, hearing of all this, rushed up the stairs to face his father. What happened be- twixt them there no one knows, only they never passed aich other a friendly look nor gave one to the other a pleasant word from that good hour to this.

“To make matthers worse, that same night young Roger wint and axed Norah Costello to marry him. But all the counthry-side knows how the girl ray fused him, saying she wouldn’t beggar and rune the man she loved.

“Well, he took her at her word, but disbelieved and mocked at the raysons she gave—the omad- haun!

“He wasn’t much good afther that, only for gal- loping his horse over the counthry like a madman, so I said to meself , says I, that we might as well take him with us into the Sleive-na-mon. I gave the ordhers, and there he is.”

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