Page:Darby O'Gill and the Good People by Herminie Templeton Kavanagh (1903).djvu/185

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for you than to make you rich. Ann Mulligan, do you clear the table an’ put my silver-topped noggin on the edge of it,” says he.

When Ann Mulligan did as she was bid the King put the green cloak on his chowlders and, raising his hand, pointed to the silver-covered noggin. Everyone grew still and frightened.

“Noggin, noggin, where’s your manners?” he says, very solemn.

At the last word the silver lid flew open, and out of the cup hopped two little men dhressed all in black, dhragging something afther them that began to grow and grow amazing. So quickly did they work, and so swiftly did this thing they brought twirl and change and turn into different articles that the people hadn’t time to mark what form it was at first, only they saw grow before their astonished eyes taycups and dishes and great bowls, an’ things like that.

In a minute the table was laid with a white cloth like the quality have, and chiny dishes and knives and forks.

“Noggin, noggin, where’s your manners?” says the King again. The little men dhragged from the noggin other things that grew into a roast of mutton

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