Page:Darwin - The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilized by insects (1877).djvu/180

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Chap. VI.

which is shown closely attached to the rostellum in the accompanying figure A.

Fig. 25.

Pollinium of Ornithocephalus. (From a sketch by Fritz Müller.)

A. Pollinium still attached to the rostellum with the pollen-mass still lying in the clinandrum on the summit of the column.
B. Pollinium in the position which it first assumes from the elasticity of the pedicel.
C. Pollinium in the position ultimately assumed from the hygrometric movement.

The pedicel when freed suddenly bends into the form represented at B, and soon afterwards owing to the hygrometric contraction curls up into the odd figure shown at C. When placed in water it resumes the form represented at B.