Page:Daskam--The imp and the angel.djvu/63

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The Imp and the Drum

door began, and Miss Eleanor's hand slipped from the knob, and she half fell beside it.



Brrrrr—um dum!

That familiar long roll had never been disobeyed; the habit of sudden, delighted response was strong; and with a quick recollection that he was to be head boy, big Hans slipped from the window-sill and jumped to the head of a straggling line. Olga was behind him in a moment, and Pierre, proud of his position as rear-guard and time-keeper for the little boys, pushed them, crying and coughing, into place.

Miss Eleanor must have been half unconscious for a moment. When she struggled to her feet, no scrambling crowd, but an orderly, tramping line pushed by her, and above the growing tumult outside, above the sickening roar of the fire below, came the quick, regular beat of the faithful drum



Brrrm! brrrm! brrrm!

The children marched as if hypnotized. The