Page:Daskam--The imp and the angel.djvu/79

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The Imp and the Author

For a long time the Imp conducted this craft about the pool, fanning up a gale with his cap, and occasionally blowing a sailor off for the thrill of rescuing him. Immersed in the game, he was violently startled by a sudden exclamation.

"Good Lord!"

The Author was sitting up and staring at him. "When did you come here?" he demanded.

"I've been here quite a while," the Imp responded with dignity.

"The deuce you have!" said the Author. "And I was asleep all the time!"

"Yes," returned the Imp, "you were. But I didn't mind."

"Oh!" said the Author, adding, "Well, that's good!"

Here he caught sight of the ship, and grinned widely.

"Well, if that isn't clever!" said he warmly. "I say, that's awfully clever!" At this appreciation the Imp unbent.

"I'm going to have a rescue now," he remarked genially, and with a mighty puff he sent fully half the crew into the waves. This was more than he had intended, and while he laboriously scooped