Page:Daughter of Heaven.djvu/33

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I dared to raise my voice to give that order ——
Can I have displeased you?

Golden Lotus

Oh! no But I desire to ask your indulgence for the lovely dead flowers. Permit them to remain there as a carpet at the foot of our pavilion. Though broken from their stems, they are still beautiful and keep their perfume.


What glory for me to obey you! I envy those flowers which will be trod by your little feet.

[He makes a sign for the gardeners to with-draw.]

Tranquil Beauty

[Pulling at the sleeve of Golden Lotus]

Enough, Golden Lotus. It is not proper for us to listen to such remarks.


Have you nothing more to say to me?

Tranquil Beauty

Let us go. Come, we must return to the Pavilion.

Golden Lotus [to Tranquil Beauty]

No, stay a moment.

Golden Lotus [to Arrow-Bearer]

My lord, you know news travels slowly to the