Page:Dave Porter in the Gold Fields.djvu/314

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"Poor fellow, he is scared stiff!" said Dave, as he bent over the shrinking man.

"I reckon the landslide made him about loony—thet an' seein' them others carried off to death," murmured Abe Blower.

"I wonder if they really were killed?" said Roger. "If it's true, what an awful death to die!"

"Men before now have been killed by landslides," said Tom Dillon. "And just remember, we ain't out of it ourselves, yet," he added, gravely.

Larry Jaley was cared for and given something to eat and to drink, and then he told his story. The landslide had come upon his whole crowd without warning and he had escaped by what was little short of a miracle. The sight had so weakened and sickened him that he had rushed away, not knowing in what direction, until he had come to our friends' camp.

"Jest help me to git off o' this mountain an' I