Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/124

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ent. It will only excite him the more." And a little later the sufferer was placed on a litter and carried to the doctor's residence.

By this time the news was circulating that the Wadsworth jewelry works had been robbed, and many persons spent the rest of the night looking for the two young men who were supposed to be guilty of the crime. Oliver Wadsworth and an officer remained at the offices, guarding the wrecked place and looking for clews of the evildoers. But nothing in the way of evidence against the robbers was brought to light, excepting that they had used several drills and some dynamite on the two old safes, probably blowing them up simultaneously. They had taken the tool-bag with its contents with them and also another small valise, belonging to one of Mr. Wadsworth's traveling salesmen.

"I can't understand why Tony Wells didn't discover them when they first came in," said Dave.

"Maybe he did and they made him a prisoner," suggested Mr. Wadsworth. "Tony was very faithful—the best watchman I ever had."

Daylight came at last and still the search for the two robbers was kept up. In the meantime, telegrams and telephone messages had been sent in all directions. To stimulate the searchers Mr. Wadsworth offered a reward of one thousand dol-