Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/150

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They went to the depot in the family sleigh. Ben had heard of their going away and was there to see them off. Soon the train rolled in that was to carry the travelers to New York City.

"Good-by!" cried the boys, as they clambered aboard the car.

"Good-by!" called Ben. "I wish you luck." And then the girls waved their hands, and the train moved off, slowly at first and then faster and faster, until Crumville was left behind.

"It's a great trip they are taking," said Ben, to Laura and Jessie. "Wish I was going along."

"Why didn't you go?" questioned Laura.

"Oh, I've got some things to do at home," answered Ben. He did not care to add that his father did not wish to stand the extra expense. Mr. Basswood was fairly well-to-do, but thought he was spending enough on his son by sending him to boarding-school.

The sleigh was about to drive off when the station agent came running out, waving a yellow envelope.

"Is Mr. Wadsworth here?" he questioned, of Jessie.

"No, Mr. Mack, my father went to business. What is it, a telegram?"

"Yes,—something very important too."

"Then give it to me and I will take it to him at once."