Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/207

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"To be sure. And we'll go armed, lad—no telling what may turn up."

"Any wild animals here?" questioned the senator's son.

"I don't know, but I don't think so—that is, not large ones. You'll find rabbits maybe, and any number of birds."

Soon the small boat was ready to go ashore. Billy Dill and the other sailor, Smiley, were at the oars, while Captain Sanders was in the stern, to steer and give directions.

"If it starts to blow better move off a bit," said the captain to the mate. "No use in taking chances around these reefs."

"I'll watch out," was the answer. "I know just what a blow down here means, and I'll keep her off."

"Do you think we'll have another storm?" asked Dave.

"Can't tell about that, lad. Sometimes a storm comes up pretty quick in these parts."

Soon the small boat was close to the breakers. The water boiled and foamed on every side, and it must be confessed that Roger was somewhat scared. Dave and Phil did not mind, although wishing it was over.

"To starboard, hard!" shouted the captain, when the first of the breakers was encountered. "Now ease off, lads! Lively now, and hard!