Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/248

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"Yes, that's the most important question of all."

"It will be poor consolation to catch Jasniff and Merwell and not get the jewels," put in Phil. "I reckon, Dave, you'd rather have it the other way around—get the jewels and miss Jasniff and Merwell."

"Indeed, yes, Phil."

"In case we don't——" began the senator's son, and then stopped short. He had seen Captain Sanders leap up and start inland.

"What did you see, Captain?" asked Dave.

"I saw somebody looking at us, from behind yonder trees!" cried the master of the Golden Eagle.

"One of the Englishmen?" queried Phil.

"No, it was somebody younger—looked a little like that picture of Link Merwell!"

"Come on—after them!" cried Dave, and started on a run in the direction the captain indicated.

All were soon on the way, climbing over some rough rocks at first and then crashing through the heavy undergrowth. Then they entered a forest of tropical trees and vines.

"I see them!" exclaimed Dave, after several hundred feet had been covered. "Jasniff and Merwell as sure as you live! Stop! Stop, I tell you!" he called out.

"You keep back, Dave Porter!" yelled Nick