Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/27

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country selling medicines that he made himself. This man asked Dave to call on him, and when the youth did so he was suddenly seized from behind, made a prisoner, and carried off in a sleigh and then in an automobile. At first he did not know what to make of it, but at last learned that he was being held, for some purpose, by Merwell, Jasniff, Montgomery, and the fourth man, a mere tool. He watched his chance, and, at length, escaped, much to his enemies' chagrin.

"Have them all arrested," was the advice of Dave's chums, but this was not easy, since all of the evil-doers had disappeared. Then, one day, while on a sleigh-ride to a distant town, the boys fell in with Hooker Montgomery. The fake doctor was practically "down and out," as he himself expressed it, and said he would do anything for Dave, provided he was not prosecuted.

"It was all a plot gotten up by those two, Jasniff and Merwell," said Hooker Montgomery. "They promised me some money if I would help them, but I never got a cent." Then he said that Jasniff and Merwell were in town.

"We'll locate them," said Dave, but this was not accomplished until later, when the pair of rascals were encountered at a railroad office. Our hero and his chums tried to stop Jasniff and Merwell, but the rascals rushed through a crowd and got aboard a train; and that was the last seen of