Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/29

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body is killed through the sheer carelessness of somebody else."

"We'll be careful," answered Dave.

"Do you think you'll get any game?" And the doctor continued to smile.

"I hope to bring you at least a brace of rabbits or squirrels, Doctor."

"Well, I wish you luck. And don't stay too late," returned the head of the school, and then with a pleasant nod he dismissed them.

Dave, Roger, and Phil were the first at the place of meeting, but they were quickly joined by all the others except Ben.

"I'll tell you what, Phil," said the senator's son, when he had a chance to talk to Phil alone. "Something is wrong with Dave. He isn't himself at all. Can't you see it?"

"Of course I can, Roger," was the reply of the shipowner's son. "If I get a chance to speak to him about it, I am going to do so. But I've got to be careful—I don't want to hurt his feelings."

"When you do speak, give me the sign, so I can hear what he has to say, too," went on Roger, and to this Phil agreed. Then came the start up the river, and a little later Phil broached the subject, and Dave made the dismaying announcement that Jasniff and Merwell were doing their best to bring disgrace to himself and his family and ruin them.