Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/291

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within him. On board of the craft was Jasniff, and the rascal had the larger portion of the Carwith jewels in his possession.

"It's a shame!" burst out Phil. "Oh, why didn't we get hold of Jasniff when you collared Link!"

"Where is your own ship?" asked Merwell. "Why don't you find her and follow that crowd?" He felt as sour as ever over the thought that he had been captured while his companion in crime had escaped.

"I wish the Golden Eagle would come in," answered Dave. "I can't understand what is keeping her, unless she suffered from that storm and had to lay to for repairs."

"And where do you suppose Captain Sanders and Smiley are?" put in Roger.

"I don't know. They may have fallen into one of the caves, or they may have been made prisoners by those who have sailed away."

"Prisoners? I never thought of that!" exclaimed Giles Borden. "Yes, it would be just like Geswick and those other scoundrels to treat them in that fashion."

"Well, it won't do us any good to remain here," went on our hero. "We may as well scatter and see if we can't locate the captain and the others."

This was considered good advice and tired