Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/46

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Christmas!" And as the others grinned over the joke, click I went the shutter of the box, and the picture was snapped.

"Now, Sam, let me take you, with a gun in one hand and the partridges in the other!" cried Dave. "If it turns out well, we can have it enlarged for our dormitory." And a minute later another picture was added to the roll of films.

"Why not leave the things here and come back for them?" suggested Roger. "No use in toting the hamper and game everywhere."

"We can hang the game in a tree," added Ben.

All agreed to this, and so the hamper and the game were hung up on the limbs of a near-by walnut tree along with their skates and some other things. Then the fire was kicked out, so that it might not start a conflagration in the woods, and the students prepared to continue their hunt.

"I guess we may as well tramp to the upper end of the island first," said Dave, in answer to a question from his companions. "Then, if we have time, we can beat up one shore and then the other. By that time it will be getting dark and time to turn back to the Hall."

"Say, wait a minute!" cried Ben, suddenly.

"What's wrong, Ben?" asked several.

"Why, I—er—I thought I saw somebody over in the woods yonder, looking at us," and the Crumville lad pointed to the trees in question.