Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/52

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not finish in words but brought his right fist down hard into his left palm, which left no doubt as to how he intended to treat the thieves.

"Maybe it's a trick of some of the Rockville cadets," suggested Buster, when the crowd were on their way down the river.

"Say, don't you remember my saying I thought I saw somebody near the camp, just before we went away?" burst out Ben. "You all thought I was mistaken."

"Well, I reckon you were not mistaken," answered Dave. "It's a great pity we didn't investigate more before leaving."

"No use in crying over spilt milk," said Sam.

"Which puts me in mind of a sto——" commenced Shadow, and then suddenly stopped talking and commenced to whistle to himself.

"Say, boys, if anybody should ask you, you can tell him it is snowing some," puffed Buster, who was struggling to keep up with those in front. "If it wasn't that we were on the river, it would be easy to lose our way."

"That's true," replied Dave. "The snow seems to be coming down heavier every minute."

"Yes, and the wind is coming up," added Roger. "We'll have a hard time of it reaching the Hall. We'll never do it by supper-time."

"Then where are we going to get something